
A sequence of examples, from a simple mass attached to a spring-damper element to a full segmented tether model with real-out and aerodynamic drag attached.

NameDescriptionLearning objective
Tether_01Mass, thrown upwards, then fallingLearn how to define a model, simulate it and plot the results
Tether_02Mass, attached to a spring-damperLearn how to model a spring in 3D
Tether_03Mass, with non-linear spring-damperLearn how to model DAE systems with discontinuities
Tether_04Multi-segment tetherLearn how to use arrays of equations
Tether_05Segmented tether with correct force distributionLearn how to distribute the spring force over two masses
Tether_06Multi-segment tether reeling outLearn to model a tether with changing unstretched length
Tether_07Segmented tether with aerodynamic dragLearn how to model tether drag


  • ODE: Ordinary differential equations
  • DAE: Differential algebraic equations

Mass, thrown upwards, then falling

Use the provided script to start Julia from the Tethers.jl folder:

cd repos/Tethers.jl

From the Julia prompt, run the simulation:


You should see a plot similar to:

Falling mass

This example shows a mass that is thrown upwards, slows down and then falls.

Julia code: Tether_01.jl

These differential equations define the model:

D = Differential(t)

eqs = vcat(D.(pos) ~ vel,
           D.(vel) ~ acc,
           acc    .~ G_EARTH)

The term D.(pos) means "Apply the differential D(t) to all elements of the vector pos". The second term defines that the differential of the velocity vector must be equal to the acceleration. For equality in symbolic equations the character ~ has to be used, because the character = has the meaning "assign a value to a variable" which is not what we are doing here. The third equation means that all elements of the acceleration vector must be equal to the elements of the gravity vector. We end up with an array of 3x3` equations.

The next lines are:

@named sys = ODESystem(eqs, t)
simple_sys = structural_simplify(sys)

This means we create a named ordinary equation system, depending on t. Then we simplify the system symbolically (order reduction). If you type sys in the Julia REPL (command line) you can see that the original system had 9 equations, the second line above created a system with only six equations. This step helps to speed up the simulation and often also removes algebraic loops which makes the ODE a lot simpler to solve numerically later on.

Now the parameters of the integrator are defined:

duration = 10.0
dt = 0.02
tol = 1e-6
ts    = 0:dt:duration

The time step $dt$ is the interval in which the solution shall be stored, NOT the time step of the integrator. The integrator uses a variable time step which can be much smaller or much larger as determined by the required tolerance, in this example set to $tol=10^{-6}$. The variable $ts$ is a range object defining the sampling times for the result.

In the next lines, we define the ODE problem and finally, we solve it using the Rodas5 solver with the given parameters. The second parameter defines the initial conditions. We use nothing here because we defined the initial conditions already in the model.

prob = ODEProblem(simple_sys, nothing, (0.0, duration))
@time sol = solve(prob, Rodas5(), dt=dt, abstol=tol, reltol=tol, saveat=ts)

The macro @time measures the compilation and execution time of calling the function solve(). The function is compiled only when called the first time.

Python version as comparison

From the Julia prompt execute:


This will install Python, Matplotlib and Assimulo and execute the script Tether_01.py.

Python code: Tether_01.py

If you compare the Python and the Julia scripts you can see that:

  • the Julia script is shorter and easier to read
  • Julia is about 16 times faster when running the simulation

Mass, attached to a spring-damper

From the Julia prompt, run the simulation:


Spring damper

Mass, attached to a spring-damper element. One end of the spring is attached at the origin, the second end is attached to the mass. Mass initially below the origin, spring un-stretched. Z-axis pointing upwards.

Julia code: Tether_02.jl

Mass, with non-linear spring damper


Non-linear Spring damper

Mass, attached to a non-linear spring-damper element. One end of the spring is attached at the origin, and the second end is attached to the mass. Mass initially below the origin, spring un-stretched. Z-axis pointing upwards.

Initial velocity $4 m/s$ upwards. The compression stiffness is zero. The grey line shows that the stiffness is zero at the beginning, and has the nominal value at the end. Example: Tether_03.jl.

Thanks to the package ModelingToolkit.jl the system description is very compact and readable:

D = Differential(t)
eqs = vcat(D.(pos)      ~ vel,
           D.(vel)      ~ acc,
           norm1        ~ norm(pos),
           unit_vector  ~ -pos/norm1,         # direction from point mass to origin
           spring_vel   ~ -unit_vector ⋅ vel,
           c_spring     ~ c_spring0 * (norm1 > abs(l0)),
           spring_force ~ (c_spring * (norm1 - abs(l0)) + damping * spring_vel) * unit_vector,
           acc          ~ G_EARTH + spring_force/mass)

The same in Python: Python code: Tether_03.py.

Using a callback

By using a callback to detect exactly when the transition from a stiff tether segment to a loose tether segment happens we can increase the accuracy of the simulation. Julia code: Tether_03b.jl.

We only have to add the following lines of code:

function condition(u, t, integrator) # Event when condition(u,t,integrator) == 0
    norm(u[1:3]) - abs(L0)
function affect!(integrator)
    println(integrator.t)            # Not needed, just to show that the callback works
cb = ContinuousCallback(condition, affect!)

and add the parameter callback = cb to the line that calls the solver:

sol = solve(prob, Rodas5(), dt=dt, abstol=tol, reltol=tol, saveat=ts, callback = cb)

Using a callback with Python

In Python you would have to add the following attribute:

    sw0 = [vel_1[2] > 0] # array of booleans; true means the tether segment is loose (l < l_0)

and the following methods:

    def state_events(self, t, y, yd, sw):
        This is our function that keeps track of our events. When the sign
        of any of the events has changed, we have an event.
        # calculate the norm of the vector from mass1 to mass0 minus the initial segment length
        event_0 = np.linalg.norm(y[3:6]) - L_0
        return np.array([event_0])
    def handle_event(self, solver, event_info):
        Event handling. This functions is called when Assimulo finds an event as
        specified by the event functions.
        state_info = event_info[0] # We are only interested in state events
        if state_info[0] != 0:     # Check if the first event function has been triggered
            if solver.sw[0]:       # If the switch is True the pendulum bounces

Example: Tether_03b.py. As you can see, logging of calculated variables is not possible with Assimulo (easy with ModelingToolkit in Julia). You need to re-calculate them after the simulation.

Benchmarking non-linear simulation

Using a callback slows the simulation down, but not much. Try it out:


Output on a fast PC:

Solving the system without callback...
  0.000606 seconds (8.06 k allocations: 257.672 KiB)
Press any key...

Solving the system with callback...
  0.000741 seconds (9.93 k allocations: 365.812 KiB)
If you zoom in to the points in time where pos_z crosses -10m
you should see a difference...

In this example, the gain of accuracy is very small, but that can be different in other simulations. For benchmarking we call solve twice: The first call ensures that the code is compiled, and the second call measures the execution time of the code.

Python The script, which executes the Python code with callbacks:


reports 31 ms for solving the problem (without printing). Without callbacks:


still, 20 ms are needed.

Multi-segment tether

Using 2D arrays of variables allows to simulate a multi-segment tether:

@variables pos(t)[1:3, 1:segments+1]  = POS0
@variables vel(t)[1:3, 1:segments+1]  = VEL0
@variables acc(t)[1:3, 1:segments+1]  = ACC0

In this case, it is important to calculate the initial conditions of each particle such that they are physically feasible:

G_EARTH::Vector{Float64} = [0.0, 0.0, -9.81]    # gravitational acceleration     [m/s²]
L0::Float64 = 10.0                              # initial segment length            [m]
V0::Float64 = 4                                 # initial velocity of lowest mass [m/s]
segments::Int64 = 2                             # number of tether segments         [-]
POS0 = zeros(3, segments+1)
VEL0 = zeros(3, segments+1)
ACC0 = zeros(3, segments+1)
SEGMENTS0 = zeros(3, segments) 
UNIT_VECTORS0 = zeros(3, segments)
for i in 1:segments+1
    POS0[:, i] .= [0.0, 0, -(i-1)*L0]
    VEL0[:, i] .= [0.0, 0, (i-1)*V0/segments]
for i in 2:segments+1
    ACC0[:, i] .= G_EARTH
for i in 1:segments
    UNIT_VECTORS0[:, i] .= [0, 0, 1.0]
    SEGMENTS0[:, i] .= POS0[:, i+1] - POS0[:, i]

The first example of such a model is the script Tether_04.jl which is derived from the last example.

Segmented tether with correct force distribution

In the script Tether_05.jl, the spring force is distributed correctly on the two masses attached to the spring as shown here:

if i == segments
    eqs2 = vcat(eqs2, total_force[:, i] ~ spring_force[:, i])
    eqs2 = vcat(eqs2, total_force[:, i] ~ spring_force[:, i]- spring_force[:, i+1])

We loop backward over the particles, starting with the last particle, because on the last particle, only one force is acting. On particle $n-1$ two spring forces are acting in the opposite direction.

Julia code: Tether_05.jl

Python code: Tether_05.py

Finally, in this example, we plot the result dynamically as 2D video. Screenshot:

Tether 2D

Multi-segment tether reeling out

In this example, we assume a constant reel-out speed of $V_{RO}=2m/s$. When reeling out the following values need to be dynamically calculated:

  • unstretched length of a tether segment
  • mass of the tether segment
  • spring constant
  • damping constant

We do this in the following way at line 76ff:

length            ~ L0 + V_RO*t 
m_tether_particle ~ mass_per_meter * (length/segments)
c_spring          ~ C_SPRING / (length/segments)
damping           ~ DAMPING  / (length/segments)

where L0 is the unstretched length of the complete tether at $t=0$. In addition, the mass at the end of the tether is corrected to half of the mass of the other tether particles because only on one side of it a tether segment is attached:

    if i == segments
        eqs2 = vcat(eqs2, total_force[:, i] ~ spring_force[:, i])
        eqs2 = vcat(eqs2, acc[:, i+1] .~ G_EARTH + total_force[:, i] / 0.5*(m_tether_particle))
        eqs2 = vcat(eqs2, total_force[:, i] ~ spring_force[:, i]- spring_force[:, i+1])
        eqs2 = vcat(eqs2, acc[:, i+1] .~ G_EARTH + total_force[:, i] / m_tether_particle)

Julia code: Tether_06.jl

The IDA solver, used for Python has a very high numerical damping. Therefore we had to multiply the damping coefficient with a factor of $0.045$ to achieve a more-or-less realistic result.

Python code: Tether_06.py

Refactoring the code, add a Settings struct and splitting it into functions

Julia code: Tether_06b.jl.

If you want to have fast code, that can be reused and tested using unit tests, then it is better to put your code in functions and to avoid global variables. We demonstrate that in this example.

First, the settings are stored in a struct type:

@with_kw mutable struct Settings @deftype Float64
    g_earth::Vector{Float64} = [0.0, 0.0, -9.81] # gravitational acceleration     [m/s²]
    l0 = 50                                      # initial tether length             [m]
    v_ro = 2                                     # reel-out speed                  [m/s]
    d_tether = 4                                 # tether diameter                  [mm]
    rho_tether = 724                             # density of Dyneema            [kg/m³]
    c_spring = 614600                            # unit spring constant              [N]
    damping = 473                                # unit damping constant            [Ns]
    segments::Int64 = 5                          # number of tether segments         [-]
    α0 = π/10                                    # initial tether angle            [rad]
    duration = 10                                # duration of the simulation        [s]
    save::Bool = false                           # save png files in folder video

When defining a struct it is good to give a concrete type to each field. Here, we use Float64 as default, as defined in the first line. Apart from this type we also use the type Int64 for integer values and Bool for a boolean value.

Then we split the code into the functions:

function calc_initial_state(se)                          # determine the initial state
function model(se)                                       # create the model
function simulate(se, simple_sys)                        # run the simulation
function plot2d(se, sol, pos, reltime, line, sc, txt, j) # plot the state for one point in time
function play(se, sol, pos)                              # play the simulation result, the solution
function main()                                          # the main program, calling all the other functions

The main() function looks like this:

function main()
    se = Settings()
    simple_sys, pos, vel = model(se)
    sol = simulate(se, simple_sys)
    play(se, sol, pos)

Using a callback

By using a callback to detect exactly when the transition from a stiff tether segment to a loose tether segment happens we can increase the accuracy of the simulation. Julia code: Tether_06c.jl.

The following lines had to be added:

local cb
for i in 1:se.segments
    cbi = [norm([pos[1, i+1] - pos[1, i], pos[2, i+1] - pos[2, i], pos[3, i+1] - pos[3, i]]) ~ abs(se.l0)/se.segments]
    if i == 1
        cb = cbi
        cb = vcat(cb, cbi)
@named sys = ODESystem(eqs, t; continuous_events = cb)